Job Ready Programs

Equipping the Workforce with the Skills of Tomorrow

Key Features

  • Practical Oriented
  • Strong emphasis on real-world applications.
  • Career Counselling
  • Local Work Experience

In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s job market, it is imperative for individuals to possess the necessary skills and knowledge to stand out amidst fierce competition. The demand for job-oriented programs has skyrocketed as individuals strive to enhance their employability. These programs not only equip individuals with the skills required for specific industries but also provide them with invaluable hands-on experience and industry-relevant certifications.


  • JAVA Full Stack
  • C/C#
  • JAVA Script
  • ASP .NET
  • SQL Developer

Cyber Security

  • Ethical Hacking
  • Network Security
  • Cryptography
  • Penetration Testing

Data Analyst

  • PYTHON Programming
  • Data Science 
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization

Cloud Computing

  • DevOps
  • Microsoft Azure
  • AWS

Software Testing

  • Manual Testing
  • Java with Selenium
  • Python with Selenium
  • Full Stack QA


  • CCNA
  • CCNP Core
  • CCNP Advance.