India's Leading Training & career counselling provider
helped thousands to secure dream jobs. Let's help you
Job Ready Program
Job-oriented programs are designed to provide individuals with the skills, knowledge, and certifications that are in high demand in the job market. These programs focus on the practical aspects of a particular field, equipping individuals with the hands-on experience they need to excel in their chosen profession.
Career Counselling
we understand the importance of having a fulfilling and successful career. We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their goals and excel in their chosen field. Our team of career life coaches is dedicated to helping individuals ltounlock their true potential and reach new heights in their professional lives.
Internship Program
The Workplace Readiness Internship Program offered by SM Infotech aims to provide interns with a comprehensive learning experience that will help them become well-prepared and equipped to thrive in a professional work environment. The program focuses on developing essential soft skills, building strong work ethics.
Delivering high-quality, cost-effective training to Individuals.
Since 2018, SM Infotech been delivering extraordinary training and recruitment services to Individuals.
Our highly qualified and certified instructors have years of experience in delivering high-quality training by imparting the skills and knowledge required to help achieve your goals.
Our highly skilled recruitment team will work hand-in-hand with you to offer skill sets, career guidance and career advice and won’t give up until we get you a job.
Technologies You Will Learn
Top Categories
Popular Courses
- Business Analyst
- project Management
- Cloud Computing
- Data Analyst
- Software Testing
- Cyber Security
- Programming
Nurturing Talent with Local Expertise
At SMIT, we understand the importance of connecting education with the local context. Our commitment to providing a unique and enriching local experience sets us apart as a training institute that truly cares about the success of its students.
At SMIT, we believe in equipping our students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical experience to prepare them for the dynamic professional landscape. Our internship program stands as a testament to this commitment.
Boost Your Career by Learning Skills in High Demand
Why Choose Us?
- Experienced Faculty: Learn from industry experts with hands-on experience in their respective domains.
- State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Access cutting-edge labs and technology to simulate real-world scenarios.
- Project-Based Learning: Gain practical insights through hands-on projects and case studies.
- Career Guidance: Benefit from personalized career counseling and guidance throughout your journey.
- Placement Assistance: Our proven track record speaks for itself, with a placement rate exceeding 96%.